Summer Intensive: Middle School, High School, and College Readiness Program


Course Run Monday’s-Thursday’s 4:00pm – 6:00pm

Unique program being offered at the “Support for Students Growth Center” of Boca Raton. We will offer our professionally created and delivered, proprietary, interactive hi-tech infused “Middle School, High School, and College Readiness Program” program for students 13 years old until college aged.

Cost: $495 per week


Session 1 Session 2
July 31 – August 3 August 7 – August 10


Series 1

Goal setting and task completion
Attention management
Problem solving techniques
Organizational skills
Working in groups
Flexibility and adaptability

Series 2

Time Management
Managing anxiety in and out of school
Following directions
Advocacy skills
Responsible use of technology

Course Composition

Professionally prepared, proprietary curriculum, delivered as an interactive hi-tech infused, workshop/class type setting featuring;

  • Student workbooks
  • Each course designed into easy to follow modules
  • Small group instruction
  • Clear course objectives
  • Ongoing comprehension checks
  • Hands-on activities
  • Quick reference guides
  • Relevant case studies for each module
  • Problem solving activities for each module geared toward application of skills to school, home, and career setting to increase likelihood of generalization of skills.