Bully Proof Your Child
(3rd to 12th Grade and Beyond in Separate Groups)
Our unique program will teach your child to be empowered, therefore, not an easy target for bullies.
Many students with a variety of Social, Behavioral and Learning Challenges have deficits in social skills and soft skills which lead to an increased likelihood of them being bullied. Our program meets weekly for an hour, same day and time each week. The Fall 2018 program will begin the week of September 10th. We have groups for grades 3-8 and 6-12 and beyond. Our program enhances the social abilities for our children to be able to avoid being bullied, fend off the bullies and empower our children.
This program is created by Dr. Eric Nach, Ph.D., M.Ed., ASD Certified Developmental and Behavioral Specialist, a nationally renowned expert on Autism, ADHD and Related Disorders. The program will be ongoing throughout the school year.
Our Program Will Enhance the Following Skills:
Interpersonal Assertion
We teach young people how to effectively use direct, honest and appropriate expression of thoughts, feelings and behaviors in dealing with others.
The ability to get one’s own needs met. Identifying and understanding their strengths and weaknesses, developing personal goals, making decisions and solving problems.
Self-concept is a young person’s level of satisfaction with their current attitudes, beliefs and general behavior. The ability to sense, understand and accept another person’s thoughts, feelings and behavior. (Theory of Mind). A lack of empathy allows Givers to avoid negative effects of their bullying behavior
The ability to handle personal feelings and emotions in difficult life situations. Being able to self-monitor and self -regulate
Includes the ability to proactively work through processes and activities and cause bottom-line results to happen.
Conflict Resolution
The process of resolving or finding a solution for some sort of disagreement, fight, or form of oppression.