Summer Therapeutic Social Skill Groups
at “The Support for Students Growth Center” of Boca Raton
Initial Consultation Required for New Participants to Ensure Proper Placement
If your child struggles with, ADHD, “ Asperger’s”, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Social Anxiety, Depression, Learning Disabilities, Communication Disorders, or just plain old “shyness”, we have the right therapeutic social skills groups for them.
All potential participants are interviewed by Dr. Nach to ensure proper group placement, which is made based on age, ability and need.
Attend 1 or more groups weekly (ages 4-17 in age appropriate groups)
Tuesdays-Thursdays from 1:30-3pm ($315/ 3 1.5-hr groups)
Session 1: July 14-16 | Session 2: July 24-26 |