Critical Info
Mini-White Paper on the Compared Value of “Therapeutic Social Skills Program” to Public School Offered “Social Skills” Classes
Problem: Parents may be responding to no-charge, school-based social skills services as though they should be the only social skills training/therapy their children receive.
What do schools really provide as “social skills services”?
- Classes can be as high as a 24-1 teacher to student ratio
- The difference in student abilities in each class are often substantial
- No parent support
- Basic curriculum that is not unique to the individual students needs
- Class time is often used for HW and make up work and testing
- Mostly bachelors level teachers, few with specialized certifications
- Students experience social stigma of being in a “special class”
- School oriented skills are primarily taught, students are rarely taught other critical life skills
- Classes often composed of students on the autism spectrum and with severe behavior disorders
At the Support for Students Growth Center, we offer more than 12 year-round Therapeutic Social Skills Groups that meet weekly. Group placement is based on the age, ability, and needs of the children, teens, and young adults. We are a team of PhD and Master level educators, counselors and therapists who are experts in the field of: Learning Disabilities, ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorders including Asperger’s Syndrome, Anxiety, Depression, NVLD, OCD, ODD, and adjustment issues.
Eric J. Nach, PhD, MEd, ASDc
Support For Students Growth Center
5458 Town Center Rd, Suite #7
Boca Raton, FL 33486 561-990-7305(Boca office)
What do participants receive in our Scientifically-based Therapeutic Social Skills Program?
- 3-1 Counselor to child ratio (no paraprofessionals/ student
teachers/observers) - Highly structured group and setting
- Over 12 groups weekly, placement based on age, ability, and needs
- Unique groups to serve the needs of those with ADHD, Asperger’s, high functioning autism, Learning Disabilities, Language Disorders, OCD, ODD, anxiety, depression, and more…
- FL Certified, Masters and PhD level Special Ed. Teachers and counselors facilitate groups
- Highly trained staff, various backgrounds, multiple years working together
- “Weekly Topic Updates” for parents each week. These updates discuss the targeted topic of the week, cause of difficulty, and suggestions for generalization
- Free monthly parent workshops, on relevant topics, by Dr Eric Nach, PhD
- Affiliated with CARD, CHADD, FAU and LYNN Universities
- Expertise in secondary issues (anxiety, depression, learning disabilities, and ADHD)
- Hi-tech infused lessons and activities
- Over 100 modifiable proprietary research inspired lessons offered
- Experts in generalization of targeted skills
- Targeting: “survival skills, interpersonal skills, intrapersonal skills, problem solving skills, and conflict resolution skills”
- Provide performance feedback
- Emphasize the learning, performance, generalization, and maintenance of targeted behaviors