Isolation is a Darkroom for Expanding Negative Thoughts


Isolation is a Darkroom for Expanding Negative Thoughts

During this time of extreme physical and social isolation, most of us have increased moments of negative thinking. Fear-based thinking  expands and uncertainty and unpredictability can lead us to heightened anxiety, depression and a host of physiological and psychological  problems. PLEASE, if you or someone you love or even like a little bit are becoming increasingly negative and isolating, don’t wait, get professional help. There are many professional willing and able to help, NO-ONE HAS TO DO THIS ALONE!

Since 2012, The Support For Students Growth Center has been providing Social, Behavioral, Emotional and Academic counseling, groups and therapies for Children, Teens, Young Adults and their Families. We specialize in ADHD, High Functioning Autism/“Asperger’s”, “Giftedness”, Social Anxiety and more (ALL SERVICES are VIRTUAL and NATION-WIDE). PLEASE, GET HELP IF NEEDED, NOW MAYBE THE TIME TO ACT.

FYI- I was inspired to write this after hearing a local community leader discussing the suicide death of a local 13 year old boy, who apparently became increasingly negative and feeling hopeless and was not able to let anyone know.