School and Relationships Success Program


Special Offer 30% Discount

This may prove to be the most valuable course your child ever takes!
Provide your child with the “tools” to be successful in school and in their relationships with others by joining us for our “School and Relationships Success Program” addressing “Executive Functioning and Soft Skills”.

Special offer: $595 (regular cost $860 for interview and 10 sessions)

Each “group” will meet for 10 continuous weeks on the same day and time.

Group #1: Elementary School grades 3-5 (Wednesdays @ 4-5pm, September 6th – October 25th)

Group #2: Middle School grades 6-8 (Mondays @ 5:30-6:30pm, September 11th-October 30th)

Group #3: High School and College grades 9 – college (Tuesdays @ 6:45-7:45pm, September 5th-October 24th)

We will offer our professionally created and delivered, proprietary and interactive hi-tech infused program

at the “Support for Students Growth Center” in Boca Raton

Topics include, but not limited to:

Goal setting and task completion Flexibility and adaptability
Attention management Time Management
Problem solving techniques Managing anxiety in and out of school
Organizational skills Following directions
Working in groups Self-Advocacy skills
Test Taking Responsible use of technology

Course Composition

Proprietary curriculum, professionally prepared by Dr. Eric Nach and delivered as an interactive hi-tech infused, workshop/class setting featuring;

Student workbooks to keep Hands-on activities and materials
Each course designed into easy to follow modules Relevant case studies for each module
Small group instruction Problem solving activities for each module geared toward
Clear course objectives application of skills to school, home, and career setting to increase
Ongoing comprehension checks the likelihood of generalization of skills.

Call or email now to reserve your child’s seat!

Support for Students Growth Center
5458 Town Center Road, Suite 8, Boca Raton FL 33486
Ph. 561-990-7305     Fax 561-465-3564
Dr. Eric Nach, PhD, MEd, ASDc.