Dealing with Bullying

how to bullyproof

It is no secret that kids can be mean. As we are constantly changing, we become different from those around us, whether it be our interest or our height, or our style and our music taste, but sometimes we are just born perceiving things a bit differently than our peers. Those who are born with these “different points of view”, such as those with life challenges such as Autism, ADHD, “Asperger’s,” communication and learning differences etc., can become a target of bullying. Some people are not so accepting of others and what makes them unique, especially in such a hormonal and changing stage like the middle school years. This is what makes it so important that children, pre-teens, and teens can properly learn how to become “bully-proof”.

Unfortunately, for those with many life challenges, “They are 2 to 3 times more likely to get bullied than other typically developing children. In fact, according to the organization Autism Speaks, (the majority) of autistic spectrum youth have been bullied.” (Alhborg, 2021). With such a high percentage, having the properly developed skill sets to not only deal with but resolve this issue is pertinent to a happy life. Being able to openly discuss what is upsetting you, no matter how uncomfortable it may make you, having the ability to stand up for yourself, using conflict resolution skills, and so much more are all ways kids and teens can try and resolve their bullying issues by becoming “bully-proof”. Also being able to tell yourself that just because someone says “it”, doesn’t mean “it” is true, is an important way to understand the situation and become “bully-proof”. In school, especially middle and high school, it can be hard to fit in. Bullying is something that can make fitting in even harder, but if your child learns how to stand up for themselves, find confidence, and be comfortable confiding in someone who can help, or they can talk to in order to feel better, then becoming “bully-proof” can be made much easier.

At the Support for Students Growth Center, we provide the social, behavioral, emotional, and executive functioning skills children, teens, young adults and their families need for a happy and successful life in and out of school settings. Our team of professionals offers coaching/counseling and social skills groups to help teach skills such as bullying resolution to ensure parents do not have to worry that their kids will be unable to solve issues on their own. So, if your child is struggling with skills like the ones listed above and much more, the SSGC is equipped with the tools to help.

Dr. Eric J. Nach, Ph.D., M.Ed., A.S.D.C., is a Developmental and Behavioral Specialist who specializes in Autism, ADHD and related disorders. Dr. Nach is the founder of the College Life Skills Program where he and his team of professional’s help develop the Emotional Maturity, Executive Functioning, Life Skill and Social Abilities of college students and those high school students preparing for college. The CollegeLSP is a subsidiary program of the Support For Students Growth Center, located in Boca Raton, FL and providing services nationwide.

Ahlborg, D. (2021, May 7). Bullying and autistic children. Bullying Recovery Resource Center. Retrieved September 30, 2022, from