Smart Phone and Tablet Addiction

smart phone and tablet addiction

Smart Phone and Tablet Addiction

Do you feel like your child is addicted to their “screens”? Learn why this may be the case and what you can do to help restore balance in your child’s life and in your home.

Smart phone and “tablet” addiction can be defined as problematic, dysfunctional use of the mobile phone and/or tablet, with the following characteristics and symptoms:

  • A constant preoccupation to use the smart phone to make phone calls or send text messages or connect with various forms of social media (YouTube, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, WhatsApp, Tumbler, Twitter, etc. and activities associated with those activities.
  • The individuals need to increase the frequency and duration used to make phone calls, emails and sending text and photo messages.
  • Unsuccessful recurring attempts to cease or reduce the number of phone calls made, emails sent, and text and photo messages sent.
  • Withdrawal symptoms such as restlessness, anxiety and depression associated with attempts to cease or reduce the number and time of phone calls, emails, social media posts and the number of text messages sent.
  • Making longer phone calls, sending a larger number of text messages and spending more time on social media than originally intended.
  • Academic, financial, career, family and social problems caused by mobile phone and/or tablet use.
  • Lying to family and friends to conceal the costs of and the time devoted to social media usage, making phone calls and sending text messages.
  • Use of the mobile phone or tablet as a way of escaping from real problems or as a mood enhancer (to relieve loneliness, anxiety, depression or guilt).

Addiction or over dependency to the mobile phone and/or tablets is not a homogeneous phenomenon, anyone with access to this form of technology can become addicted.

Rarely a day goes by where I do not have a parent telling me how much their child’s smart phone and tablet dependency, or over usage if you prefer, is causing conflict at home and interfering with their child’s emotional, academic and social development. I have done a considerable amount of research on the topic and have spoken to many professionals, parents, siblings and students themselves about the topic. With many years’ experience addressing this challenge, we have created a system and strategies specifically designed to empowered parents and students with the “tools” needed to handle this dilemma of the current day.

You don’t have to go it alone. Contact us today to see how we can help.


Dr. Eric Nach, Ph.D., M.Ed., A.S.D.

Developmental and Behavioral Specialist and Associates

Support for Students Growth Center in Boca Raton

5458 Town Center Rd, Suite 7

Boca Raton, FL 33486


Experts in improving the social, behavioral, developmental and academic needs of children, teens, young adults and their families.