Everyone has faced some kind of fear and anxiety at some point in their lives. It could be on things like sitting for an examination, preparing to speak to peers, getting to an interview and other examples. How you deal with these fears and anxieties greatly determines how successful you will become. When left to grow, anxiety and fears can become a huge hindrance and prevent you from achieving your maximum potential while also limiting the quality of your life. For those who have to manage some form of anxiety related feelings there are ways to manage and cure anxiety.

For common fears and anxiety here are some effective tips on how to manage them:

  1. Take Time Out

Whether it is an exam you want to take or a presentation, when panic sets in, you can hardly think right and you will only make errors or rushed judgements. The first thing you should do when you are overly anxious is to take some time out to physically calm down before proceeding. Distract yourself whether it is by talking to someone, walking around the block, making something to drink, taking a shower, exercise or many other activities that will take your mind away from your present or near future situation. This will refresh you physically and mentally and you can proceed with calm knowing the right thing to do.

  1. Breathe Through the Panic

This is very important especially if the panic sets in when you are somewhere you cannot take a break. This could be on a journey, on stage, through a presentation or while talking with peers and other such like situations. When you feel yourself getting a faster heartbeat and your palms are sweating, remain calm and place your hand over your abdomen; breathe deeply and slowly through it. This helps your mind cope with such situations as you build your inner strength. Knowing you maintained calm in such a previous situation will help you handle future situations better.

  1. Face Your Fears

Whatever it is that leads to fear attacks and anxiety, it can only fade and diminish in its intimidation if you face it. Whether is a test or lesson, stepping into your boss’ or professors office to talk about your promotion or grade, joining the drama club or any other group you fear joining, get in and give it your best shot and you will be mostly surprised with the outcome. More importantly you will realize that you always have the ability to take charge of your fears.

  1. Don’t Chase Perfection

It is very easy to be fearful and anxious if you keep on looking for perfection. Always give your best and look for outside constructive feedback. Most of the time you are your own most critical judge and this can inhibit your growth. Understand there will be bad days and setbacks but the good days and triumphs will be many. This will ensure that you outgrow your own fears.

  1. Sleep Well, Eat Well and Exercise

There is nothing that helps you beat a day’s tension or prepare for each day better than a good night’s sleep. It is relaxing and refreshing so get enough of it – a minimum of five hours for adults and eight hours for those under 18. Get enough exercise too and eat a healthy diet with plenty of fruits and greens which keep you refreshed and not dulled down by a fading metabolism.

Dr. Eric Nach, Ph.D., M.Ed., A.S.D. Cert. Developmental and Behavioral Specialist and Associates

For more information about Dr. Nach’s Online Resources and how to enroll, visit our website at:

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Remove the Clutter

Just Do It

One of the hardest parts about getting organized is going through and getting rid of the things that cause distractions and take up space. When you find yourself among the stacks and piles of stuff and items, it can seem overwhelming. But by taking it one step at a time, remembering to breathe, monitoring your thoughts, you can begin to de-clutter your life and start on the path to successful organization.

Sometimes we can feel overwhelmed about taking on the task of removing our clutter and tend to make excuses as to why it doesn’t get done. We can claim that we don’t have the time, or that there is too much to do at once. But as Nike says, we have to “just do it” and we have to throw away our excuses and dive in. Make a plan on how you can get started, such as making a ‘cleaning calendar’ or choosing an area to start on. Stick with your plan until the job is complete, and don’t let the same excuses hinder your success.

Helpful tips:
Make a calendar with time to clean
Divide the areas that need to be conquered Make a list of tasks
Decide where items go beforehand

You Don’t Have to Keep Everything

You know who you are – the person that exclaims “I have to keep [this] because I might need it later!” “You never know”, or “What if I need it someday?”

In reality, we can throw away over half of our saved papers, documents or items without feeling a sense of loss, withdrawal or consequence. The decision to keep everything can drive us to make inappropriate choices with organization and contributes to more clutter. We can break that kind of thinking by examining what we

are holding on to and by realizing we can’t live by the ‘what ifs’ an item may have. Go through your clutter and clarify how it is useful to you right now and get rid of anything that doesn’t have a clear purpose. Once you have removed the items you don’t need skills, you are no longer wasting time on useless clutter, but are developing better organization for the things you did keep.

Ask yourself:
Am I going to use this in the near future? (If so, when?)
When was the last time I needed this? (More than a year ago?)
If I keep this, what type of category is it organized into? (Keep, donate, trash?)

Three Boxes: Keep, Donate, and Trash

The most common approach to clearing out clutter is the Three Boxes method. This method forces a decision to be made about each item you touch as you go through your clutter. You don’t get to put it aside or come back to it later. Pick up an item, one at a time, and think about which box it should go in. Try not to release the item until a decision is made. (Ask a trusted friend, or relative, or counselor, for help if needed).

Box 1 – Items to Keep: This box is for items you would like to keep in your area or maybe even put away for safe keeping (such as heirlooms or special gifts). This is not to be confused with the ‘things I might need later’ type of thinking. Only keep items that have value and meaning to you.

Box 2 – Items to Donate: This box is for items that you realize you no longer need or want. Items in this box can be donated or sold at a rummage sale, just as long as it leaves the clutter!

Box 3 – Trash: This box is for the things that you do not need or want and cannot be donated or given away. This often includes old papers or documents, mail, or broken items. Once this box is full or complete, remove it from the area right away and don’t give it a second look.

From our in home or in office Educational Coaching and Counseling Programs.

Dr. Eric Nach, Ph.D., M.Ed., A.S.D. Cert. Developmental and Behavioral Specialist and Associates

Your Child – The Problem Solver!

When you ask your child to explain why they did or did not do something is their immediate response, “I DON’T KNOW? Truth be it, they might not actually know why they thought the best way to handle a situation was what they chose. Don’t let them go into adulthood, not knowing how to solve life’s problems.

Whether your child is a “gifted” student, a “struggling” student or an “average” performing student, whether in school, work or private life, they will encounter problems in form of situations, issues, career, relationships, school or work which will demand our children to be able to solve them. While some problems are pretty straightforward with a laid path for solving them or known solution, this is not always the case.

Whether it is solving their brother’s problems or making a decision that will impact their life goals, problem solving skills come in handy when our children are able to resolve a complex situation or difficulty.  No one is born knowing how to handle problems; it is a learned skill and builds from one situation to another. However, there is a set of steps one goes through when solving a problem. This makes the process streamlined and will guide our children to an effective and quick resolution of nearly any type problem.

Here are the five steps to use when solving problems

  1. Identify the Problem

The whole process of solving a problem relies on first identifying the problem in clear certain terms. Our children have to be sure they are addressing the root of the problem and not symptoms or resulting effects. The very definition of problem solving is identifying the nature of a problem, breaking it down and coming up with a set of actions to address the problem and its resulting challenges. Define the problem in concise and clear terms to be able to plan on resolving it.

  1. Define the Main Elements of the Problem

The key to resolving the problem is breaking it in smaller and manageable parts. This is possible through identifying the elements of the problem. This makes the problem more manageable and our child can create a plan around the various elements and even identify the best solutions as they will be knowing the different aspects of the problem. They can easily plan concrete steps to resolve the problem.

  1. Examine Possible Solutions

Having identified the elements of the problem it becomes important to look for the various possible solutions of each particular element of the problem in general. Deep analysis of the viability of each solution and the potential side effects have to be analyzed. It is important to think creatively and weigh different solutions while integrating several solutions together to have a comprehensive and effective solution in the end. Do not just entertain any haphazard solution as this can easily result in winding discussions and further time wastage.

  1. Act on Resolving the Problem

All our children have done will be wasteful if they cannot come up with a concrete action plan. The plan should be a step by step execution plan and everyone involved should understand why the solution is the best. Act on the plan as soon as possible while also monitoring and evaluating the whole action of the plan.

  1. Look for Lessons Learned and Evaluate the Process

As earlier indicated with each solved problem our children gain expertise and a new experience as well as confidence. Our children should look for all the lessons and evaluate how they could have made the problem-solving process they have had much faster and more effective.

Many of our children can learn these skills by themselves, some can learn them with parents help, yet some would benefit by having professional help. At the Support for Students Growth Center in Boca Raton, FL we are experts in empowering young people to develop the “success skills” they need to navigate the challenges in life. Since 2012 we have been providing individual and group services in tutoring, coaching and counseling young people ages 4 into adulthood, just like yours. Explore the services we offer, that the schools just don’t offer, at

Dr. Eric Nach, Ph.D., M.Ed., A.S.D. Cert. Developmental and Behavioral Specialist and Associates

For more information about Dr. Nach’s Online Resources and how to enroll, visit our website at:

The 5 Principles of Effective Goal Setting

Learning the role of goal setting in the attainment of success cannot be overstated. Setting goals provides focus and direction to your and your child’s work. It also provides a basis upon which you can track your own progress. The challenge most people have with goal setting is how to go about the process and come up with effective goals. The starting point of an effective goal setting strategy is a personal evaluation and identifying what you want to achieve. There is enough hard work at each stage. Here are the five principles that govern effective goal setting:

  1. Set Goals That Motivate You

If you are going to work hard for the attainment of your goals, they need to inspire you. This means setting goals that are important to you and in which you will find value in achieving. Your goals should reflect your high priorities in life. They should also be prioritized to have a better focus instead of too many goals which are hard to plan for their attainment. Get goals that have a sense of urgency, for you to build the necessary commitment. For every goal you set ask yourself why it is valuable and how it adds up to your present and long term fulfilment as well as relate to other goals you have set.

  1. Set SMART Goals

This is such a repeated principle – it almost sounds like cliché. However, not many people apply it when setting goals.  For your goals to be powerful and effective they have to meet all the evaluation standards of SMART goal. These are:

  • Specific– Your goals should be well defined in a concise manner. Vague goals lack clarity of direction and will not help you focus.
  • Measurable– Your goals should have ways you can evaluate them to know how far you are in achieving them and when you have achieved them. Get the precise amounts, dates and any other data to help you measure the goals.
  • Attainable– Set goals that you can achieve. If you have no hope of achieving a set goal you will only be demoralized. This does not mean setting easy goals that you can attain without breaking a sweat as it can be an anti-climax.
  • Relevant– Goals have to be relevant with the career you want to take, your personal development and well-being. Even when the goals cover different facets of your life ensure they are related to one another to avoid setting widely scattered and inconsistent goals.
  • Time bound– Your goals should have a deadline to create a sense of urgency.
  1. Set the Goals in Writing

When you write down your goal it becomes tangible and takes on a real form. Write them in powerful statements and frame them positively. Have the goals at visible places where you can see them daily.

  1. Make an Action Plan

This is what provides the outline for how the goals will be achieved. Set out the process in clear and concise steps. You can cancel each concluded step to help you map out your progress.

  1. Stick with Your Plan and Goals

Setting goals and achieving them is a continuous process building from one success to another. Keep yourself on track and persist regardless of any setbacks until you achieve what you set out for.

At The Support for Students Growth Center in Boca Raton, we are expert in helping your children develop their “success skills” including “Goal Setting”. Call me for a free phone consultation and I will help your plan so that your child makes SMART GOALS.

Visit our website

Dr. Eric Nach, Ph.D., M.Ed., A.S.D. Cert. Developmental and Behavioral Specialist and Associates

For more information about Dr. Nach’s Online Resources and how to enroll, visit our website at:

Making the Transition into Middle School

Making the transition from elementary to middle school is a huge milestone for all children and their parents. For our children on the autism spectrum and others who struggle with issues of “perception” this dramatic change of life is even more traumatic than for their NT (neuro-typical) peers. This transition can be viewed as a time in life that often resembled the twists and turns of walking a labyrinth. For those people who may not have the actual experience of walking through a labyrinth, let me tell you there are many unforeseen directions we can take as we go day to day. We cannot always predict how these twists and turns will manifest in real life. We cannot fully anticipate what will happen until we are actually there, the life challenges and how to navigate the actual situation, especially when those we love the most are dependent on our ability to help them, but, we must.

Parents and students will find the expectations of middle school teachers to be very different and considerably more intense than that of their elementary school counter parts. In our experience with helping children and parents make the transition to the secondary school way of life many factors play a vital role in student success and happiness as the intensity and impact of transitioning factors is different for each of our children and how the families are prepared to handle them.

The primary goal of the middle school teacher is to help all of their students become ready to be successful in high school and beyond. Middle school teachers expect all students to be functioning at a higher level of independence than they did in primary (elementary) school. We have found that the teachers who tend to be most successful with helping our children transition to middle school are very aware that virtually all new 6th graders are still operating on a 5th grade or lower level emotionally and perhaps academically. Our children tend to have a greater variation of socially and emotional maturity, while many excel academically. Many students need direct instruction on how to function in a middle school campus.

Primary issues to be considered include; organization, self-advocacy, emotional regulation, socialization and following new routines. Just making the transition to more classes and being with many more students and teachers will take a considerable amount of planning, dedication and effort by everyone involved, i.e., parents, teachers, administrators, support staff, specialists, and of course the children themselves. Later, in high school the teachers are content driven, they are focused on delivering content knowledge on particular subjects to help the students obtain mastery and students will have to adjust to many of the same transitioning issues as when they start middle school.

Many of our children are “visual learners” and benefit by being shown and permitted to have practice with what organization looks like in a specific setting/classroom. They need to be shown how to keep and utilize their materials, including their personal office (their backpack). Their backpacks are often referred to as “the black hole” because many times, school work and other materials that go into the backpack mysteriously disappear, often because the difficulties they experience with executive functioning (planning, organizing and follow-through). Our children need to learn how to navigate from one class to another, how to navigate the lunch room, how to enter and exit the school campus, how to find and use the busses or parent pick-up line for those children not taking busses, what to do before school starts and immediately after school ends, and how to be successful in P.E.. They need “real life” experiences to see how to be successful. They must utilize many social and academic skills, that need to be taught directly, regarding interacting with peers, teachers and others. Additional skills, such as, knowing what a completed homework assignment should look like, what successful note taking and class work looks like, how to study for and complete tests successfully and how to avoid being targets for bullies.

You don’t have to go it alone. At the Support for Students Growth Center in Boca Raton, Dr. Eric Nach and his associates provide social, academic, behavioral and developmental services for individuals ages 4 into adulthood, in-home or in our Boca Raton center.



Raising children can be challenging at times. The little bundles of joy always seem to be growing too fast and sometimes they learn the wrong things from outside sources. Their impressionable young minds can collect information quickly and it is up to us to make sure that our kids don’t learn the wrong things. Even though it is impossible to be everywhere your child is, there are a few qualities that your kids should possess to keep them on the right side of things. These traits include:

  1. Kindness

Kindness is an underrated quality. It is not only important when dealing with people, but also when dealing with yourself. When children learn kindness from a young age, they are able to empathize with others. They are also able to forgive themselves when they slip up, which is a concept most people take lightly. Kindness will also help them to be better in team activities. It also bolsters learning since they are able to listen to others better.

  1. Courage

It takes courage to learn new things. Most successful people become great at what they do, not because they were not afraid to try, but because they overcame their fear. Such courage can be instilled in them from a young age when they are taught not to fear failure.  Such people become even better at relationships with others and when starting new projects.

  1. Honesty

It is important, to be honest with others and most importantly, with yourself. It is especially important because the opposite hinders progress. The opposite of honesty is deceit, which is especially dangerous when you are lying to yourself. Admitting to yourself that you don’t know something, enables you to learn new things, and enrich your mind. Children who acquire this quality early enough in life are able to accomplish more.

  1. Self-discipline

Self-discipline and impulse control are great qualities to have. They enable you to be able to follow through tasks without distractions and achieve more. You are also able to plan your routine and finances better and stick to a plan. Having a disciplined child is all well and good, but you have to be able to balance it with joy for a more wholesome life. It is therefore important to teach your child self-discipline, as well as the need to live a little beyond the parameters of self-discipline.

  1. Resilience

Resilience, when coupled with flexibility, makes for a formidable combination. Resilience allows you to overcome setbacks and accept when things do not go your way. It is essential for great learning according to an extensive study conducted by US psychology professor, Martin Seligman. Resilient children give themselves a reason to try things. They also look at things from a wider perspective and have a more positive outlook on things. They do not turn mistakes into personal catastrophes and are more likely to come out of a slump. They are also able to deal with anxiety and depression.

  1. Positivity

The French call it Joie de Vivre. It is the cheerful enjoyment of life and having a positive outlook. This positive outlook in life helps you to learn to love yourself and to be content. Children that learn how to live a more positive life tend to be better at making friends. Their connections also tend to last longer.

At The Support For Students Growth Center in Boca Raton, Florida, we have online lessons that can impact crucial “success skills” such as these, skills that will mold your kids to excel in all facets of life, including school, social and work.

Dr. Eric Nach, Ph.D., M.Ed., A.S.D. Cert. Developmental and Behavioral Specialist and Associates

Another School Year is About to Begin, How to Balance School and Life: A Guide for Parents

As parents, we do not often think of our children as having jobs, but they really do. The Merriam Webster’s dictionary defines a “job” as “a specific, duty, role, or function” (2017). In school and in other facets of their young lives we want our children to learn to be successful. As I have spent nearly 25 years of my life teaching and counseling children, teens, young adults and their families, I believe that success in life does result without a plan and hard work.

The following are some specifics that will lead to success for both you and your children as the new school year begins…

  • Keep an updated schedule

It is important to know what you need to get done, so that you and your child can monitor if it is getting done and to keep tasks on time. Sometimes, the balance between school and life is lacking because you do not have a clear picture of what you should be doing. Pencil in your tasks in your agenda early on. This is the time to download your calendar app if you haven’t already. Of course, it is important to know which tasks belong in your calendar and which ones aren’t important enough to warrant a mention.

  • Don’t procrastinate

Procrastinating is fun when you are doing what you prefer-until you actually have to do the task you kept pushing to the last minute. Regardless of how tempting it maybe to hold off until the last minute, it is best to do your tasks when they need to be done so that you can avoid the stress that comes at the eleventh hour.

  • Get enough sleep

Being well rested is a key ingredient in performing your tasks well. A good night’s sleep can never be overrated. Sometimes you might not sleep well, but always ensuring that getting enough sleep every night is a priority in your life.

  • Prioritize your work

So you have all these tasks that you need to do, but do you really have to do them today? It is important to prioritize your tasks in such a way that the most important and time sensitive asks are on top of your list and get done first. Pick and set out to complete the most important tasks that you need to complete every day. These tasks could be home or school related. After completing this, you are free to spend the rest of your time as you wish.

  • Avoid distractions

When you have a busy schedule that involves balancing school and home-life, you have to be careful not to get too distracted in your day to day life. Distractions interfere with the completion of your tasks, which means time allotted for certain tasks get taken up by others. The end result is that you will end up with some priority tasks which will creep into the next day and the cycle will continue endlessly.

  • Learn to say no

It is called school-life balance but it is not actually a perfect balance. Like the saying goes, you can have it all, but not all at once. At some point, something will have to take the back bench. Just because you get eight hours of sleep doesn’t mean everything else will be completed in the remaining waking hours. This means that sometimes you will have to say no to social events when your friends ask. Maybe when you are done with school, you can recover the lost time by going to as many birthday parties and sporting events as you can.

Do one thing at a time, do your best to complete it, then do the next thing on your list.

Dr. Eric J. Nach, Ph.D., M.Ed., A.S.D. Certified Developmental and Behavioral Specialist

For more information about the services available at the Support for Students Growth Center in Boca Raton, FL, visit our website at: