People with ADD and ADHD have differences in their attention, and not deficits. This is an important distinction which helps with the understanding that there are gifts in ADD/ADHD.

ADD/ADHD: Differences, Not Deficits - Support for Students Growth Center

The term for the diagnosis of ADD/ADHD has changed multiple times. In 1980, the term ‘Attention Deficit Disorder’ came to be. It has changed slightly since then, but the field is relunctant to change it again because of how negative that would be (it could impact the advocacy and legislation that has been achieved through hard work).

People with ADD are often gifted with the ability to pay tremendous attention to things that are important to them. They have have a singular attention span which is far better than what ‘non-ADDers’ have if they use their natural gift of hyperfocus.To us this suggests a ‘difference’ in attention and not a ‘deficit’.

The term deficit itself refers to pathology and lack. Differences refers to just that- differences.

Recognizing this difference is important as we advocate for a change in the paradigm of ADD toward a strength based diagnosis. One which focuses on the gifts and differences, and not the lack and deficits.

It’s our contention that each and every ADD brain has genius in it. The definition of genius, as defined at includes: gen-ius: – an exceptional natural capacity of intellect, especially as shown in creative and original work in science, art, music, etc.: the genius of Mozart. – natural ability or capacity; strong inclination: a special genius for leadership. – distinctive character or spirit By definition ‘ to be a genius ‘ one has to be different from others.

People with ADD are different and we contend that there is genius in each and every one of them.

Now people who might take issue with this statement will say that ADD affects people with different levels of intelligence. So, there are some people with superior IQ with ADD, and there are people with average IQ who have ADD, and there are people with low IQ who have ADD. Irrespective of the IQ level ‘ each person with ADD has genius inside.

The ADD brain has tremendous capacity for these aspects of genius:

  • Being unique: People with ADD often ‘march to the beat of their own drum’. They bring a unique perspective due to the fact that they are not ‘programmed’ to conform ‘ and their ability to maintain their unique nature can lead to many gifts throughout life (when it’s nurtured appropriately)
  • High levels of creativity: when the ADD mind receives information ‘ it manipulates that information differently. This leads to high levels of creativity.
  • Insightful: When using information differently than non-ADD people, ADD’ers develop significant and useful insights
  • Direct: people with ADD can be very direct, to the point and on target. This can be ‘too much’ for people without ADD to handle ‘ as they aren’t used to information being presented so directly and accurately
  • Quick to act: While many people suffer from ‘paralysis of analysis’, the ADD mind is quick to take action and experiment ‘ hence the belief that geniuses like Edison had ADD
  • Can look at the same thing differently than others: As alluded to above ‘ someone with ADD can look at the same material as others and see very different things and draw very different conclusions
  • Interpersonally intuitive: The powers of observation of those with ADD can be very strong, and their intuition particularly powerful. This can be a challenge for others who don’t recognize this as a gift ‘ and it can be perceived as a lack of ‘tact’.

These traits, and many others ‘ lead to the gifts of ADDScience Articles, and the genius that’s inside.

About the Author

Dr. Kenny Handelman is a Board Certified Psychiatrist in Canada and the USA. He is an expert in ADD and ADHD. His goal is to help people to improve their lives by finding the right options and information.

Photo Credit: Abdüs (flickr)

Help Your Child with ADHD Transition into Summer

Our children with ADHD function best when there is routine and order in their day. As we enter the summer months the routine of the school year comes to an end. Parents and others can help our children adjust to the summer schedule by following these suggestion:

  1. Be consistent— if the clean pool towels are stored in the closet on the bottom shelf one day, they should be put there every day. If the wet towels are to be brought to the laundry room, they should ALWAYS go there. Our children need to know exactly what you expect.
  2. Assign tasks that your child is capable of doing on their own.Success builds confidence. The goal is for your child to build independence.
  3. Anticipate some delay in making a new schedule a regular habit. It takes time to transition from old habits and form new ones.
  4. Your child should be included in discussions regarding establishing rules and guidelines. It will help them understand goals and teach them to accept responsibility.
  5. Give detailed instructions.“Put the legos in the playroom, in their container and on the second shelf.”
  6. Make lists- how to perform tasks (let dog out in backyard, make sure water bowl is full, food in food bowl) post where easily visible (refrigerator, bathroom mirror).Review lists regularly with your child.
  7. Be reasonable about time.Make sure you’ve set aside enough time for the child to get dressed, clean their room, and get out the door in the morning.
  8. Praise effort — not just results.If your child put their clothes away, but forgot to put their sneakers away, acknowledge that their trying. Reward good behavior more often than you consequence for bad.
  9. Allow for free time in daily routines, we all need downtime.
  10. If your child isn’t taking to the routine, seek help from a professional who specializes in ADHD, we can help get you on track. Stay focused on the long-term goals.NEVER give up!

For more information about the Dr. Nach Online, visit our website at:

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July 2015 Workshop

Monthly Workshop

$10 per person

Workshop Topic: Keeping Learning Alive During the Summer. Presented by Dr. Eric Nach.

Workshop for parents, teachers, and other professionals

Monday July 13th, 2015, in our High-Tech Boca Raton Center.

  • Please RSVP to phone or email below
  • You are encouraged to bring a friend or two, please no children to this event
  • The topic for the August 10th workshop will be “Transitioning from the Summer to
    the School Year.”

Social Skills Groups Topics of The Month

  • “Being able to wait, patiently””
  • “Showing empathy”
  • “Developing flexibility”
  • “Listening to peers”

Parents will be provided with Weekly Topic Updates to help generalize targeted

Did You Know We Also Offer…

  • A daily Summer Camp for children and teens with special needs. (ages 6-13)
  • In addition to Social Skills, we offer “Learning Strategies and Organization Program”
  • “Post-Transition Programs” (ages 16-adult)
  • Academic Coaching and Behavior Modification Programming
  • Individual and Family Coaching and Training

Tips and Tricks

Parents who want our children with perceptual challenges to learn how to create and attain “goals”, would do best to model how they set and achieve goals themselves.”

”Ask us, we will show you how……………

Dr. Eric Nach, Ph.D., M.Ed., ASDc.
Support For Students Growth Center
5458 Town Center Rd, Suite #7
Boca Raton, FL 33486
561-990-7305 ph
561-465-3564 fax

June Workshop

$10 per person

Workshop Topic: Planning, Organizing and Completing Assignments: Executive Functioning Skills and Students with Disabilities.” Presented by Dr. Eric Nach.

Workshop for parents, teachers, and other professionals

Monday June 8th, 2015 from 7:00-8:30p, in our “High-Tech” Boca Raton “Center”.

  • Please RSVP to phone or email below
  • You are encouraged to bring a friend or two, please no children to this event
  • The topic for the July 13th workshop will be “Keeping Learning Alive During the
    Summer Months”

Social Skills Groups Topics of The Month

  • “How to greet new people?”
  • “Making and keeping friends”
  • “Living with our special interests”
  • “What is teamwork?”

Parents will be provided with Weekly Topic Updates to help generalize targeted

Did You Know We Also Offer…

  • A daily Summer Camp for children and teens with special needs. (ages 6-13)
  • In addition to Social Skills, we offer “Learning Strategies and Organization Program”
  • “Post-Transition Programs” (ages 16-adult)
  • Academic Coaching and Behavior Modification Programming
  • Individual and Family Coaching and Training

Tips and Tricks

“Parents who are working on developing socially appropriate behaviors for their children with “perceptual challenges” should include siblings and relatives who spend much, time with the children into the planning whenever possible.”Ask us, we will show you how……………

Dr. Eric Nach, Ph.D., M.Ed., ASDc.
Support For Students Growth Center
5458 Town Center Rd, Suite #7
Boca Raton, FL 33486
561-990-7305 ph
561-465-3564 fax

Presents a free workshop for teachers and parents of children, teens, and young adults.

  • Presenter: Dr. Eric Nach, Ph.D., M.Ed., A.S.D.c.
  • When: Monday March 9th, 2015 from 7:00-8:30p
  • Where: SSGC, 5458 Town Center Rd., Suite #7, Boca Raton, FL 33486
  • RSVP: 561-990-7305 or

Light refreshments will be served.

Note: You are invited to bring a friend or two. Please no children to this event.
Seating is very limited, so RSVP now!

Click to Download Developing Positive Behavior Management

Summer 2015 Camp Flyer

Intensive therapeutic daytime summer camp program designed for children and teens between the ages of 7 and 13 who are “mainstreamed” and may have “special needs”.

Develop those skills needed for a lifetime of happiness and productivity in a safe and exciting “camp” setting.

Group size is limited to 12 campers and is facilitated by Dr. Eric Nach and his team of Certified Special Education Teachers and Counselors.

Camp Activities Include:

  • Skill building games/Board games
  • Technology Groups/activities
  • Community based instruction/activities
  • Physical activities
  • Social skills lessons
  • Art therapy/Music therapy
  • Yoga/relaxation activities
  • Sensory activities/Movement activities
  • LegoTM /construction groups
  • Talent and art shows

*Each potential camper must be interviewed by Dr. Nach prior to admission to ensure proper placement.

Camp will meet Monday-Friday 9:00a-2:30p

  • Snacks provided
  • Register for one up to six weeks, discounts available
  • Weekly parent updates

Please note: 2 snacks a day are included in the price, lunch must be provided by the camper. On days that we go into the community, we will provide a limited lunch and snacks.

Support For Students Growth Center
Located at 5458 Town Center Road, Suite 8,
Boca Raton, FL 33486
Adjacent to the Boca Town Center Mall in the Med+Plex bldg.
Registration is now open.
Call us today for more information!
Eric Nach, Ph.D., M.Ed., A.S.D.c.
P: (561) 990-7305
F: (561) 465-3564

Click to Download a February Newsletter

Summer 2015 Camp Flyer

The topic for the February workshop will be “How to Crush the FSA, Tips and Tricks for Parents”. Dr. Nach will be the presenter of the workshop and will available to answer questions.

This free workshop for parents will be held on Monday February 9th, 2015 from 7:00- 8:30p, in our “high-tech” Boca Raton office.

  • Please RSVP to phone or email below
  • You are encouraged to bring a friend or two, please no children to this event
  • The topic for the March workshop will be “Developing Positive Behavior
  • Interventions for Children, Teens, and Young Adults”

Social Skills Groups Topics for The Month

How to calm ourselves down when we are angry or upset:

  • Remembering the names of the people we meet
  • Identifying and accepting compliments from others
  • How to become part of a group
  • Parents will be provided with Weekly Topic Updates to help generalize targeted behaviors

Did You Know We Also Offer…

  • A daily Summer Camp for children and teens with special needs. (ages 6-13)
  • In addition to social skills, we offer “executive functioning groups” (3rd-12th grades)
  • and “post-transition programs” (ages 16-adult)

  • Academic Coaching and Behavior Modification Programming
  • Individual and family psychotherapy

Tips and Tricks

Using positive reinforcement often works best when trying to modify the behavior of children and teens. Instead of taking away what your child values, try providing them with the opportunity to earn time with their preferred activity.

Ask us, we will show you how……………

Dr. Eric Nach, Ph.D., M.Ed., ASDc.
Support For Students Growth Center
458 Town Center Rd, Suite #7
Boca Raton, FL 33486
P: (561) 990-7305
F: (561) 465-3564

Click to Download a February Newsletter

Summer 2015 Camp Flyer